Sunday, December 14, 2008

Post Live8's all about the cause...

Here's a little snip post-Live8 performance. Hearing the guys talk about raising awareness and caring reminds me to drop the snark for a few seconds and mention a few of our favorite places that could definitely use a little extra attention this holiday season. No matter where your charitable time, dollars, and attention goes, always remember to care. Word up!

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
Best Friends Animal Society
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
The Fistula Foundation
Habitat for Humanity International
Public Broadcasting

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Full Moon on Saturday

Ah, the site of the pretty full moon tonight made me look this one up. Yep, it's the nine millionth lip sync performance of "New Moon on Monday", complete with Simon's "Bloodshot eyes? Moi?" Ray Bans. Ah, 7-era Duran...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Checking in to the Pop Trash Hotel?

You guys will like this one. Plus, I think I missed Warren's birthday on here, so consider this some sort of shout out or something.

Lots of odd little nuggets discussed here, and I believe Nick's wearing a leopard print dress shirt, which is about nine shades of awesome. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dance into the Fire!

But not literally, please. Maybe the burning embers explain why Duran are either not really trying, or trying too hard with this clip (I'm unsure which it is). Simon's direct eye contact is both frightening and alluring. My, what a pretty Duran we have here. But overall, what a bizarre little art piece of a lip sync performance.

If not Duran-related, at least Duran-inspired...

If you're looking for more holiday-oriented fun than what these posts are providing, head over to the 12 Songs of Christmas extravaganza (or webpage, whichever you prefer to call it). We've got 12 future classic seasonal tunes (uploaded two at a time through December 25), games, coloring pages, all with NO CALORIES, so you won't hate us in January!

If Simon were Santa...

It took me a minute to remember which George Bush he was referring to here! Ahhh...we're old.

Oh, and I'm sure Billy Ray's family has plenty of peace of mind, since one kid is worth a cool billion, and another has an infectious hit song and a career of his own that left me speechless when I found out who he was. Made me want to hate that song (but I couldn't!).

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's Official...The Holidays Are HERE!...

Break out the nog, it's holiday time!! Watch JT toward the end...I think he's a little more excited to get to the "Christmas Spirits" part than everyone else is!

*edited to ad: Ok, when I first viewed this, it looked like JT was going straight for the shot, I swear!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

With Many Holiday Office Party Cutbacks This Year...

...some offices will have to resort to watching YouTube reruns of Vh1's Ultimate Holiday Office Party from 1997. Including mine! It doesn't hurt that there's only two of us in the office, and we're both fans. And...we'd be watching YouTube anyway.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Warhol Widget Drama.

What would a Warhol widget be without some drama? I removed it, as there was some sort of issue going on. If the documentary I watched over the Thanksgiving holiday on the Ovation channel on Warhol's factory was any indication, the widget was probably an attention-whoring speed freak who we're all better off without anyway. If only we'd have gotten to film it's implosion!

By the way...

News of note time!

...a few new blogs are up elsewhere by me, if you don't get enough good stuff here:

First up is my new Bangs...Sounds of the 80's blog, which for the remainder of the year will be bringing retro music into the present for the holiday season (i.e. RETRO XMAS CLIPS w00t!!11). Expect some Duran there, no doubt.

I've also resurrected my musical indulgences/snark blog at Sapphires and Diamonds. Good stuff...probably Duran related in the near future.


Holiday sales are abreast (woohoo, my bosom buddies!). Forget "Black Friday", "Cyber Monday" or whatever the rest of the world likes to call them. We're all about "New Moon (and Sales) Everyday (through 12/31 at least!)". Besides getting both volumes of Bangs...Sounds of the 80's for the price of one, now with every order of Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran (which inspired this very blog), you'll get another copy of Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran. Why so redundant, Dana? copy as a gift for a loved one of discerning musical tastes, and one copy to keep for yourself (indulging your ego is encouraged in Duranie circles, remember!). Skip the heavy reading and go right to the sales page for both deals here!

All get your blood pumping today!

Thanks to Darill Simons for this link to his very modern, electro-cool version of "All She Wants Is". Big Thing is my favorite I am loving this!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Pretty Man Alert!

Even through the fishbowl-like quality of this footage at times , there's no denying the quality of these three faces in 1987. Notorious will always be to me the era in which Duran looked and sounded great, and I had acne and a mullet. Ah, to be 13 again...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Shopping with Nick and Simon?

I've been a bad blogger lately, kids. I've been too full of pie and tofurkey from the holiday here in the U.S. to get to the computer.

But now, my attention turn to holiday shopping. Revel in delight with me from these classics from House of Style, when Nick and Simon went shopping at Sears with Cindy Crawford.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Well, first, so I can get it out of my system...

Well, first, so I can get it out of my system, is "Rio" from the Classic Albums DVD. This isn't my favorite performance ever, but it's from the damned DVD I'm yet to acquire, so I'll still work it.

And because something is obviously up with technology today (at least for me), I bring you..."Electric Barbarella". Maybe even for the first time! This one was from the UPN show The Vibe, which I vaguely recall. No Viva Variety, YouTube? Ah...1997.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

And we rejoin our heroine, still complaining...

Bah! Still don't have the Classic Albums yet, but I'm working through it, with a little old school help:

...and a little new school help (that's JT, Rog, and Dom Brown):

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another find today...

Sort of a Lou Reed-esque "Last Chance on the Stairway", which is a pretty great concept. I see Chekhov's Wig in the description, and believe this to be a band member. Brilliant.

Warhol Art of the Day.

Check out my red hot new Blogger gadget. Just slap my face and call me Veronica Web 2.0! I's sort of annoying being ABOVE the actual Duran video, but I didn't want to stick it at the bottom where you'd have to scroll to see it. So there. I annoy you because I love you.

"We will all be famous for fifteen widgets."--Dana Detrick-Clark

Hot off the presses...'s the "Nightrunner" video!

The library will never be the same.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Here you go, my Pretties.

Thank you, Teknosapian, for being the only bright light in my darkened corner of existence. Ok, maybe not so much. But I am reminded why living in B.F.E. is so completely inconvenient by the fact that I still have NOT gotten my Rio - Classic Albums DVD, because I naively assumed I would simply be able to go out and BUY the damned thing. Nooooooo. No store in my 20 mile radius is stocking it. So order online I will, but I will still be pissy about it.

I will try to dance this pain away.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back to our Ordinary World or something.

Guess who did NOT go get her Classic Albums DVD yet. What a poser! Apparently when you're an 'adult' you spend the release day voting and doing your job, and run out of time. What's that all about?

So, while I was reciting the joys of the Pythagorean Thereom for teens and English as a Second Language students, the rest of you were probably learning all about the reverb on the backing vocal track of "Last Chance on the Stairway". Don't spoil it for me!

Oh, and apparently JT was Baracking his vote (or wearing a t-shirt).

For McCain followers, here's something to help you get your groove on and cheer up, thanks to Aurora featuring Naimee Coleman. :::back pat::: It'll be ok.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You Knew This Was Coming...

Americans, get yourselves to the polls! But don't pull your shirt off and pray while you're there, k?

Monday, November 3, 2008

What's better than karaoke?

...LIPSYNC! Same performance style, no warbling. Good times.

Don't forget to go get your Classic Albums: Rio tomorrow! And VOTE (if you're in the USA)!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Ok, more...

I can't help it...

" the DAARRRK..."

Happy Halloween!

Let's get this party started with a little montage from Spiraling:

And now some karaoke:

And now...? I don't know.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I really have to stop...

More "Classic Albums" footage. Turn your heads, kids, if you don't want spoilers.

Sleepthief makes "The Chauffeur" even more dreamy...

I've posted Sleepthief's "The Chauffeur" cover before, but it definitely had different footage. Here's a more customized/stylized/candy for your eyes version that I'm sure you'll all adore.

And just in case you can't tell I'm excited about this...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Classic Albums - Duran Duran - RIO !!

Do NOT watch if you don't want any sneak peeks before it's released in your country. I'm like a bad kid on Christmas morning though, so I'm gonna look...ROGER SPEAKS!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy birthday, Simon!

So nice, we'll sing it twice!

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Thin White Funk.

Happy Friday! Here's a little nugget via 1988, highlighting Simon's big hair and Paddington coat (and boasting about the 'non-professional' lineup), and Nick's...well... I love Nick. But this was a weird era for him. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

GO David!

I don't know David here, but it sure looks like he'd be fun at a party. I thought it was illegal to perform karaoke and actually have a good voice! Let's rock out with him! :::reaches up for the sunrise:::

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Simon Passes the Pie.

There's far too much opportunity for innuendo here for me. My head is going to explode.

You'll start viewing to see Simon and pie, but you'll stay for Roger playing a bucket.

Monday, October 20, 2008

WWMBD? (What Would Mrs. Butterworth Do?)

I have to fast until tomorrow morning, so I am really going to be feeling this clip at about 11pm tonight, when I too will want pancakes. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's not a political blog, so...

...if you don't want to watch JT endorse Barack Obama:

...check out this video of "Hungry Like the Wolf" on ukelele by Danny Korves instead!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John Taylor Liberates us all!

I wasn't quite sure what to think of these when they came out. Was it supremely brilliant that John Taylor designed a line of Peavey basses that would be sold at...Nordstroms? Or was it sheer madness?

I'm kind of going with the former, if only because I like challenging conventional reasoning about how things should be done, especially for anything music related (my own mission statement pretty much proves that!). I like the idea of music-making being presented as a 'lifestyle', not just as a profession or a hobby. It's a fine line that separates them, but I think JT did a pretty good job of marking it (urm...not like that, pervs!).

But no pretty mullet? Say it ain't so!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Classic Albums - Rio update!

Are you guys as excited about this as I am?! I LOVE these DVDs anyway, but the fact that they're doing one for Rio is like a free ticket on the cool train to 1982.

Here's the latest I've heard on it. Go now (even if it means leaving this blog) and watch the teaser video at the bottom (sorry I couldn't embed it)! Roger speaking has never been so great.

Duran Duran's Rio Gets Classic Albums DVD Treatment

(PR) Continuing the highly-acclaimed "Classic Albums" DVD documentary series, Eagle Vision is proud to announce Rio by Duran Duran. The November 4 release has a pre-book date of October 15 and a retail sales price of $14.98.

<Rio, arguably the greatest of all Duran Duran albums, was originally released in 1982, a time of British riots, record unemployment and the highly unpopular Falklands war. It catapulted Simon LeBon, Nick Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor and Andy Taylor into international celebrity. (None of the Taylors are related.)

In this installment of "Classic Albums," a fascinating story emerges, one of the writing, the recording and reaction to the unbelievable success of this sound. With new interviews, vintage clips of the original era, new and archival performance footage and musical demonstrations that explain the genesis of certain songs, this 90-minute insider peek is a must for all culture vultures. Excerpts from songs such as "Rio," "My Own Way," "Hungry Like The Wolf," "New Religion," "Save A Prayer," "The Chauffeur" and others are beautifully interwoven into the fabric of the story. Brand new session performances filmed in Boston exclusively for this program, plus interviews and demonstrations not seen in the origin al broadcast version, are included.

The "Classic Albums" series takes a comprehensive look into the making of landmark albums that were integral in music history. Along with interspersed live footage, the DVDs feature in-depth interviews with band members, musical peers, relevant fixtures in the music scene and those who were simply a part of the party. Producers elaborate on and break down studio tracks at the mixing board, musicians actually recreate solos and passages that further explain the recording and creation process. Every "Classic Albums" DVD not only tells the story, it binds the pages, paints the picture and ultimately provides the soundtrack to the making of a seminal album.


This latest addition to the acclaimed Classic Albums series takes us to the early eighties and the release of Duran Duran’s second album “Rio”. Released against a backdrop of riots, record unemployment and the Falklands War this optimistic and celebratory album would generate a string of hit singles and groundbreaking videos and catapult Duran Duran to global stardom. This DVD tells the story behind the writing, recording and subsequent success of the album through newly filmed interviews, musical demonstrations and both new and archive performances.

Features excerpts from: Rio, My Own Way, Hungry Like The Wolf, New Religion, Save A Prayer, The Chauffeur & more…

Bonus Features: Brand new session performances filmed in Boston especially for this DVD of: 1) Save A Prayer 2) The Chauffeur 3) New Religion 4) Hungry Like The Wolf 5) Rio. Additional interviews and demonstrations not included in the broadcast version.

Released on: 11/04/2008

Must-See Video!


Geeky Oktober.

I've been remiss in featuring a certain fan favorite song this month. So I've gotta make up for it. In contrast, I've had to stop myself from making "Election Day"-related posts about 20 times.

First up, a little "Secret Oktober" with Runescape. Get your gaming nerd on!

I expected this to be the Duran song, but I don't think it is. Is it?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Some like it hot on a cold October day...

Amidst a sea of bass player's covering the song all over YouTube, here's a drum cover for "Some Like it Hot". I like this, because there are a few missed beats here and there that the drummer owns up to, but it really makes it more 'real'. Right on!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thanks2Frank indeed.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a big Frank Zappa freak. I let my fandom fall by the wayside for a few years, but I've been spending more and more time lately finding great old clips of the Mother of all Mothers (of Invention) - when I'm not looking for Duran clips (or watching bad commercials).

In honor of that, how about a little "Thanks to Frank" from Warren? Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Clever Clip to Put You in the Mood!

The record industry is full of bloodsuckers, and I'm sure Duran have met their share, but the ones in this fan-made "Nite Runner" vid are ok in my book. Halloween time, babies! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm not going to say "Boys on Film"...

...even though that's what this video is called. Here's a little mid-90's transitional Duran love for your Tuesday!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yo Bad Azizi, Francis!

In honor of Saint Francis of Assisi' Feast Day today, I give you "Serious"' b-side "Yo Bad Azizi:

And since this day marks the day a lot of people are getting their pets blessed, here's a little "Diamond Dogs" as well!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Don't cry for yesterday, taxpayers...

...not when David Habbin will wow you with his beautiful rendition of "Ordinary World". Even Joe Six-Pack will get misty eyed.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Roger and his lovely sidekick...

...Nick Rhodes! Sorry, I searched far and wide for a Roger wife clip (past or present) and came up dry. This will have to do (you'll get no complaints from me)! Our boy Rog speaks a lot, which still always freaks me out, and he and Nick are both dapper. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Vampire Yasmin.

Not because she's a bloodsucker, mind you, but because the older she gets, the less she seems to age. It's not fair!!

My favorite Yas/Si joke ever:

Keira Knightly wishes she looked like this:

...and just for giggles:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nick and Julie Anne: Surrealism that must be shared.

I don't quite know what to say about these Nick and Julie Anne slideshows (other than the fact they certainly convey more drama than Susan Lucci at a masquerade ball), so I'm just going to post them.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Long before Paris, Lindsay, and Miley Cyrus...

...we had JT's ex, Amanda DeCadenet. I don't think Americans (who weren't in Duran circles) knew much about her until...did we ever? She was probably best known as Courtney Love's friend for a few minutes in the early '90's, and has done some really great photography in recent years.

Here's a little more about her, from esteemed New Age composer John Tesh (in his former life on Entertainment Tonight:

Not the best footage, but they look pretty cute here despite it:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grey Lady of the Sunday

How about a little DRUM flashback to go with your Sunday morning tea (I'm doing tea to feel more British, shut it). No yachting for me today, but maybe I'll get bold and rent a paddle boat on the local lake.

Pay close attention a little under a minute in--there's an uber cute Si-Yas moment.

Now let's hear the song...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday with Renee!

How about a little JT ex-girlfriend to start the weekend? I found these two Renee Simonsen clips that work surprisingly well together.

from 1987:

from 1999:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Eight Days a Week - Part III

The end of another series, boo! This last installment doesn't disappoint. Lot's o' Bruce Springsteen talk, JT forgetting the editor from Smash Hits' name, and that mighty, mighty mullet. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Eight Days a Week-Part Deux

Here's the next continuation of yesterday's program. I have a hard time being snarky about anything other than the award winning calico kitty on JT's head, because the concept of this show is just so great. Can you imagine a show like this now? Would one of the popular artists today take the time to really analyze one of their contemporary's public??

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Tuesday! Eight Days a Week!

Here's a little series called Eight Days A Week featuring JT and his lovely mullet, waxing philosophical on why Howard Jones would be a nice guy to pet like a kitty but not to watch for an hour!

It cuts off, but don't worry--I'll bring you more tomorrow!

And here's a redo of The Big Breakfast with Andy that I posted last week, only a little higher fidelity:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sex, Drugs, Rock-n-roll, and the Jonas Brothers?

Here's a meaty second clip from Andy's appearance on The Wright Stuff to promote Wild Boy this past week. It's a really great debate about these new 'purity' acts like the Jonas Brothers vs. rockers with more critical appeal/longevity, and what role their excesses play in their creativity. Good points made all around!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

One more thing...

We very quietly launched the new this morning, and we'd love for you to be one of the first to check it out! It's still a work in progress, but for those wondering, "What else do you do all day besides watch Duran Duran on YouTube?"--wonder no more. And get on our mailing list! Lots of music news ("Glue" included), fun opportunities, and FREE stuff awaits you!

Poll Results! Dana is late to the game!

Thanks to all who voted in the last poll! A whopping 100% feel that Juicy Couture should sponsor the next Duran tour (more on that in a second). 20% liked the idea of an iDuran tour sponsored by Apple, and no love was given to Botox (ha!) or Michael Kors (boo!).

Now, if you've read Andy's book, OR you're just more aware than me, you probably already know that Juicy in fact did play a sponsorship role around the time of the fab five reunion. So I have been schooled. And here I thought I'd really come up with a great idea!

Our next poll...What kind of Duran Duran sites do YOU visit most? Are they blogs, networks (either official networks OR stuff like MySpace or Ning), good ol' fanzine-styled sites, forums, shops (Duran-specific or bigger merchants like Amazon), or some other kind of site that I'm just not thinking of at the moment. Let your voice be heard and tell us what you do!

Gotta pen?

Honestly, I'm not TRYING to make it Andy week, but it seems to be kind of working out that way. Here he is, along with the whole crew in '83 alongside a thoroughly surreal interviewer of unknown name.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ooh, here's a bonus!

I promised we'd stalk follow Andy through his book promo, so here we are again! This one is thanks to Duraffinity!

Pre-Power Station JT and AT

Here's a long one from '83 that would be a pretty good interview if it didn't sound like fans were being slaughtered backstage. Ok, it survives anyway, and focuses on a lot of the excesses (and music, too). After reading Andy's book, it's weird to imagine what was probably going on behind the scenes here!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Andy's Book--starting to hit the media!

Andy's starting to make the talk show rounds for Wild Boy, so we're going to try to stalk him keep up with him on his trek!

Here he is on The Big Breakfast last week. There's a few tech issues with the footage, but it's still very worth it to hear his perspective on the look and the excesses.

And if you haven't gotten a copy yet, what are you waiting for?! Click below and get one!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Potpourri

Here are some completely random clips to wrap up the week!

"New Moon On Monday"--Vh1 promo clip that doesn't make much sense:

The Devils (Nick and Stephen Duffy, as if you don't already know that) doing a snip of "Big Store":

Andy Taylor ignored? Here's some Andy video facetime:

I include the last one because I just started Andy's book, Wild Boy, yesterday. Ironically, I also finished it yesterday! Talk about a captivating read. I'll be posting a review very soon, but i the meantime, let's give the boy a shout out!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's Caturday!

If cuteoverload can have Caturday, so can we!

First, actual cats!

Now, Cat People! Doing "Come Undone" on TV (pretty straight forward cover, too!)!

C'mon, Cat Power, give us a Duran cover!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Friday...Stay UP ALL NIGHT with Daniel Abraham's mix.

Big Thing and other bits producer Daniel Abraham is our producer du jour. Did you know that his mix of "Drug (It's Just a State of Mind)" almost split Duran up? Apparently JT was so unhappy that DA's mix didn't make the record, that he threatened to leave. Luckily it ended up on the "Do You Believe in Shame?" 12", or we all would have been crying in our root beers a lot earlier.

Enjoy the mix!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Producer of the day - Jonathan Elias!

Forgot about him, didn't you?! Jonathan first came into the Duran realm when he worked with JT on "I Do What I Do" for the Adrian Lyne film 9 1/2 Weeks, and later produced one of my favorite Duran albums, Big Thing. A film composer and conceptual genius, he was an unlikely producer of what would be Duran's most house music influenced album, but somehow it worked. Little known factoid you'll learn in a minute: he wrote the original MTV theme song (so we've all been deeply influenced by his work and didn't even know it!). Duran members and friends were later featured on Jonathan's grand album showcased here, Requiem for the Americas.

Let the record show that this might be my most journalism-worthy post yet! I get a gold star today!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Ultimate Duran Producer - Nile Rodgers.

Besides being one of my favorite producers on the planet just in general, it doesn't hurt that Nile Rodgers worked with Duran off and on throughout their entire career (and one would anticipate that we haven't seen the last of their collaborations). Back in the heyday when I was in junior high, my school library had a copy of, of all things, Popular Mechanics magazine that featured an article on music production (?? I know, why?) where they interviewed Nile. After about 6 months of reading it every time I was in the library, I think the librarians finally stopped rolling their eyes at me (but hey--at least it gave me a break from searching Vogue for pictures of Renee Simonsen or Yasmin (at the time) Parvenah...).

So geek out with me at some cool Nile interviews!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New poll AND new feature!

New poll is up! Now that Duran has owned being a brand, let's find them the perfect tour sponsor. Up for grabs are American designer and I'm sure Duran-influenced-at-some-point Michael Kors, hip electronics icon Apple, Juicy Couture (no explanation necessary), and, not my doing, Botox. :::throws a dirty look to my partner in Duran crime:::

PLUS, you can now let your voice be heard in a NEW way. Scan your eyes down below my 'Girl on Film' explanation of myself, and you'll see that you can now become a 'Bunnychucker'! In case you may suspect that you're the only person who reads this blog (and I can guarantee to you that you're not. There's quite a few of you out there now!), this will be a fun way to get to know each other a little more.

Producer week!

Thank you to everyone who succumbed to my subliminal messages voted in our last poll for Duran Duran's next producer. The results were:

Dana Detrick - 85% (w00t!)
Mark Ronson - 28%
Linda Perry, Diddy, an Jonathan from Korn - big fat zeroes

So YAY! Now we just need to convince DURAN of this!! Time to break out my subliminal gear persuasive skills again!

In honor of our poll, this week we're going to spotlight other Duran producers. Today we've got a little Red Carpet Massacre info, which looks like it came from A&E. It doesn't really hit the "producer" info until Part II (but it's not like I wasn't going to include Part I, too!). They discuss Timbaland giving them an enema (or making them more enigmatic, you pick the visual you prefer), and comment on Reportáge, the album that would have been had Andy stayed, produced by Michael Patterson.

Business and marketing geeks (like me) will also love their discourse on being a brand. THIS ONE IS FULL OF WIN! Enjoy!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Nite running in Smallville.

I in no way expected to find about a million Smallville clips featuring Duran songs, but boy did I! "Nite Runner" hasn't gotten enough love yet, so I this one stood out. Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

La la la Lost.

"Save a Prayer" might not be a big stretch of the imagination, but it works...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Heroes, just for one day...

Man, "Falling Down" is really popular for these fan videos, apparently. Here's a tribute to Heroes with a little help from Duran.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2 more days!

I'll admit, 'pick Duran's next producer' is not the sexiest poll ever, but I promise, it's fun to vote anyway (*subliminalmessage* plus, you'll want to pick ME! *subliminalmessage*)! Make sure your voice is heard over in the side panel!

House Music.

Well kids, we have a theme this week! Fandom crossovers! Our next installment celebrates the ever-popular series House, with the appropriate "Notorious" as the soundtrack.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Your chocolate is in my peanut butter...

...and YOUR Duran Duran song is in my 21 Jump Street clip! I have no idea why this works, but it does. You can never have too much Johnny Depp nostalgia.

My own funny Jump Street story: awhile back, a few friends said, "We know where there's a great party tonight where our friends' band is playing!". We carpooled down the highway to said party which was...a college party. The kind with 18 year olds. I've never so much felt like a narc police officer. At least they liked my shoes...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Friday, UMFers!

So "UMF" was brought up in the comments in the last thread, thus making it play over and over and over and over again in my head ever since. Rock out with me!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Poll Results! No love for Lenny.

I blame those horrible new Kohl's commercials he's doing, which is making the world agree with me: Lenny is not cool anymore! No Duran covers for him!

As for everyone else, here's the stats on how the voting went:

Prince: 16%
Radiohead: 16%
Chris Brown: 16%
The Red Hot Chili Peppers: 33%
Justin Timberlake: 50%

Not bad! Now we already know Justin's a fan, and has recorded with the boys, but I'd still like to hear him doing an oldie in his style. Maybe a little funky "Proposition"? The Red Hot Chili Peppers could definitely take "Bedroom Toys" to the next level. Chris Brown's smooth pop/R&B blend would translate nicely to "The Seventh Stranger", while Radiohead could make "Lady Xanax" even trippier. Prince...well, he's Prince. I'm going to go way out on a limb and say "Last Chance on the Stairway", just because. His high little screams would fit right in it!

Next poll? How about we pick Duran's next producer?

The the sun!

Here's a clip of "The Valley" from earlier this summer at The Joint in Vegas! Really, is there a better place to see Duran (at least in the states)? Ok, so basically ANYWHERE CLOSE is the best place to see 'em.

And congrats to Latin America for the new dates they're getting this fall with the boys!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm on a Johnny Quest...

...a quest to find a BAD hairdo on JT, that is! This one comes close. It's still a superior mullet (as far as mullets go), but it's a little wavy, like he's gotten a Toni or Lilt body perm. Kind of the "Aunt Ruth just got her hair blown out" kind of mullet that should be avoided at any cost. Plus, he seems a little "tired". That's what I'm going to think, anyway. Enjoy!

AND, if you get a minute (literally), there's just a little less than an hour to vote in my poll for best male artist to cover a Duran song (over in the sidebar)! Let your voice be heard!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

One day left to vote!!

One day left on our "dudes we'd like to see cover Duran" poll over to the left (and down a little)! Let your voice be heard!

Save a Prayer for great hair.

Yet again, JT kicks the mullet up a notch like some sort of cosmetological Emeril.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Proof that they're not too old to be eye candy...

Happy Friday (or early Saturday), everyone! I think this song is about me (it's not, but you are free to think it's about you, too!).

Have a great one!

Here's a bit o' news for you!

I heard a rumor (actually, it's all over the blogs and sites too, so that's good enough for fact, right?!) that there will be a Classic Albums DVD/special based on Rio! This is amazing to me because a) I LOVE that series of DVDs and have been collecting them since they first came out, and b) I have always hoped they'd do a Duran one, of course, and Rio would definitely have been in my top 3 choices (I think Seven and the Ragged Tiger and/or Notorious would have been pretty interesting, too). When will it be released? October 27, of course. Of course.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Part II - the projects, and great JT hair

Ok, so we're not learning anything we haven't already heard from this set of interviews, but WOW. Such. Pretty. Hair. Thank you, John, for consistently taking the mullet to the next level.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Poll Results! Madge wins again!

I am once again proud to have such cool readers. Here are our results for "Who Would You Like to See Cover a Duran song?" (the girlie version):

Madonna - 45%
Britney Spears - 9%
Rihanna - 9%
Feist - 27%
Miley Cyrus - 0% (YES!!!)
Kylie Minogue - 27%

Like I say, you guy didn't let me down. Madge would kick out a dance number, no doubt (My vote would be for "My Own Way"). A new, improved (hopefully) Brit Brit could probably bring something raunchy to the table ("Skin Trade", anyone?), and Rihanna's pop-tinged R&B could elevate "Liberty" to a full out hit. I was SO thrilled to see other Feist fans bringing their vote to the table, so just imagine her whispery take on "Lady Xanax". Kylie Minogue has already done "The Reflex" with Ben Lee, BUT, wouldn't it be great to hear her own take on something like "Astronaut"? Miley Cyrus gets to do nothing, which also makes me very happy. I'm just so tired of hearing about her! Makes me wish Paris Hilton was still in the news...(ok, maybe not THAT much).

For our next poll, let's hit the fellas. Cast your votes and be heard!

The Fabulous Five...always a marketing perk!

Here's Part One of a little mini-series, focusing on, surprise! Video. This is what happens when you become pioneers--no one every lets you forget it!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Every Alice on Earth? Wanna be my new best friends?

Words can't describe how much I enjoy this version of "Rio". Every Alice on Earth? Be my new best friends?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Madge is winning!!

In honor of the fact that so far she's winning my poll in the sidebar (:::points to the left:::), and the fact that she turned 50 yesterday (too thin and overly Botoxed or not, still gotta love her and her one piece dance costumes), here's a Duran/Madonna mash-up.

Thanks to all who have voted so far, and to the rest of you, there's still time to get your vote on!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Simon misses his calling as an announcer?

Hopefully it's lovely where you are today (or tonight)! It's sunny and cool here in the midwest US of A, so apparently, I feel sporty!

Here's a fairly recent clip of Simon co-announcing a Chicago Cubs baseball game. I have nothing else snarky to add to that, because it's just too surreal for my limited input. Ok, so it would be weirder if it was Nick doing it, but's pretty weird.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nick Rhodes for el presidente?!?

I couldn't help it...


In case any of you are interested in getting some great music AND saving a few bucks in the process, we're currently running an 80's Gold Medal Bundle special, featuring Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran of course, coupled with our other 2-CD set volumes of Bangs...Sounds of the 80's (that's 5 CDs--68 songs, total), for a crazy low price. It's over when the Olympics are, so jump over there and grab a set for yourself while you still can!

Part III with Nick - Changing is Important.

I get bored, too, Nick. Bored of journalists asking you about your hair color changes. I mean, he's a pretty talented keyboardist and innovator, too, people!

The giggle fit at the end and his anti-Phil Collins stance make this a giggle-out-loud for everyone with a pulse.

Sadly, I think this is the last part of this interview. Who should we spotlight next?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Part III with Nick - The Ultimate Duran Duran Lineup...

Well I can see how Nick felt it was the ultimate lineup at the time (would he have said, "Nah, it'll be the best when the original five get back together in 10 or 11 years!"?). He goes off on MC Hammer in this one (his "can't touch this" is BEGGING to be sampled), and comes to terms with the teen idol phase. You go, adult Nick!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thank you! (not the album, the expression)

A big thanks to everyone who filled out our little "what's your favorite Duran era?" poll (4 oldschool, 1 Warren/Sterling era, 1 right now! Casino days got NO LOVE!). This probably makes the casual reader think, "Wow, like a handful of people read this blog." Not so! Unless my tracker lies. Speak up, all, and be heard!

To encourage you, here's a new poll, over there (:::points to the left:::):

What big star would you like to see cover a Duran Duran song?

Let your imagination go crazy!

Nick Rhodes Part Deux

I'm a slowpoke this week! Here's Part II of our little Nick series from the Liberty era. I have mixed feelings about that record (I don't listen to it much now, but I really liked it at the time), but I still wish it would have hit bigger. I can still remember rushing to Musicland at the mall on release day to get my cassette tape version. Bah! I think I still have it in storage.

Nick talks about Warhol in this one, which is always brilliant, the NEA freakout, and other things that make me feel very, very old.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Series Time! Subject: Nick Rhodes, circa big blonde hair

It's been awhile since we did a series, and I just haven't given Nick enough time. Part I is from the 1990 Liberty timeframe. Sound quality isn't the best, but the unedited, candid parts make up for it.

Friday, August 8, 2008

John Taylor...bigger and deeper!

Well happy Friday to YOU! I've been exploring ol' Nagel Baby's solo work a lot more lately, so enjoy with me this clip from Japan in '99.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Simon says "Glue"!!

How had I not posted this before? Here's a bit of a long one from the Astronaut era. It makes me sad Andy's not with them any longer, but so glad that at least we all got to see this moment in time where the original five were once again on the same page.

And Simon says "Glue" (at about 4:30 in)! And once again, it's not about "Glue"! And that's ok, because even though John thinks Simon's a dick (quote of the year), I don't. I'll take my product placement any way I can get it, thankyouverymuchcharley.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Super Polka!

I have no idea why I'm digging this so much this morning. I'm thinking this is going to set the tone for a very bizarre week. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New poll!

I want to thank everybody who took the time to answer the poll this past week(s)! I've just added a new one, so feel free to chime in on what your favorite era of Duran Duran is! I swear, none of the information gathered will be used to harm kittens or corrupt villages.

Just an ordinary Sunday...

Here's a little "Ordinary World" for you, circa 2000. This one makes me a little misty. Ok...time to break the mood with some snark...sure looks hot on that stage, doesn't it? And Simon's outfit...Nick's shirt...Warren's Stretch Armstrong costume...ok, sadness averted!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Duran Duran on Trial!!

How am I just finding out about this? A little NSFW language, but totally worth it for a few cheap laughs!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fallen Ang....zzzzzzzzzz

Now, "Fallen Angel" is one of my FAVORITE b-sides, but this clip is probably best viewed while you just want to hear the song, OR you're meditating. Guaranteed to slow your heart rate, at least!

Monday, July 28, 2008

A View to a Pretty Good Cover.

Here's Lostprophets' take on "A View to a Kill". I don't think there's anything bad I can say about this. At first I was a little afraid they turned it into a whiny mess, but nope! They were pretty faithful to the original, but with a modern edge, just the way it should be. Enjoy!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy (tastfully smutty) Friday Night!!

This brings back some SERIOUS slumber party memories! Here's Simon and Nick on Friday Night Videos from '84. Simon says "contrived"! Just letting you know, for those of you playing the Duran Drinking Game at home. Get your shot glasses ready!

Part I:

Part II:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

JT X 2 today!

I was looking for some Power Station stuff today to balance my Arcadia obsession of late, and lo and behold, I finally found some Rock School clips! Early on in my YouTube searching days, I started looking for these things to replace my poor old videocassette versions, and it looks like they may be out there after all. YAY!

So, first up, JT Power Station tour interview (during the PS sloppy years):

And now, a coveted Rock School clip!:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What IS "Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran"??

Alrighty, I'm currently creating a little "FAQ", and thought I'd drop it here, first! In case you were wondering...

1. What IS "Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran", anyway?

After the ska The Duran Duran Tribute Album was released, a lot of fans were unhappy. They'd waited all this time for a proper tribute album, and it wasn't what anyone was expecting! Discussions started all over the internet, via things called Tiger-list, The Lizard King messageboard, the AOL Duran Duran messageboard, AOL chatroom 7609, the Duran Duran newsgroup, etc.

Since Duran Duran fans are highly creative people, many of which are musicians, it didn't take long for a fan-brewed tribute to start percolating. But dropped.

Being the industrious lass I am, and having just started a record label, I decided to pick it back up!

I decided that since Duran Duran fans are also highly caring and compassionate, this CD should benefit something greater than our ears. The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network was a good fit.

I received all kinds of submissions by home recording Duranies who were ready to pay tribute in a much more "Duran-like" fashion. By the time of its release in February of 1999, we were already breaking pre-order records at young online distributor CD Baby. Fans had spoken...and they wanted their "Glue"!

It's still the only Duran Duran tribute CD made BY fans, FOR fans, and I couldn't be happier with the success it's had.

2. Why is it called "Glue"??

In an AOL chat in 1996, I asked then-bandmember Warren Cuccurullo what kept Duran Duran together all of these years. His answer? "The music is the glue." Since this CD was all about the music and fans' love of it, I couldn't think of a better word to describe it.

3. Is "Glue" still available for purchase?

It IS,'s going fast! A few months back I started cleaning out my inventory, and realized, "Wow--everything left on the shelf is IT!".

Those of you who bought early copies know that I printed the artwork off myself on my home printer - but not anymore, thank goodness! This has always been a fully pressed CD (not a CD-R), and now it has a fully professionally printed booklet to go with it.

Note: if you have an earlier copy with the home-printed book and would like the new artwork, email me at and I'll get it out to you, free of charge!

So, if you'd like to get yourself a copy, you have two options:

-You can order it directly from me at (samples and fan reviews are here, too)


-You can order it from CD Baby at

The price is the same at both, but if you order directly from me, you'll probably get a few surprises in your package!

4. Can I buy mp3's of "Glue" instead?

Unfortunately, "Glue" is not available for sale as downloads. Back when I produced "Glue", the rights I obtained from Duran's 'people' (I love calling them that) allowed only for CDs, and since there won't be any further pressings, the CDs are IT!

Who's the guy that runs the "Glue" MySpace page?

That's Paul, my business partner AND husband. Can you believe that? I married a Duranie! Makes me glad I didn't end up marrying John Taylor like I planned when I was 13 after all.

5. Will there be a "Glue 2"?

Hmmmmmm...... ;)

Making your day a little more flaming...'s ARCADIA! I was listening to my vinyl copy of So Red the Rose yesterday, which put me in an Arcadian state of mind for today. Yep, that's the kind of zingers you're going to get out of me today!

Poor Si, Nick, and Rog. They probably put Arcadia together as a means to get ADULTS to buy their records, then what happened? Scores of tweens bought this record, then dyed their hair black. Can't win 'em all, eh?

Let's lip sync!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Now,Pop Trash isn't my favorite album overall, but individually, the songs work for me a little better (I just don't know how well they work together). /geeky album rant

This point will be illustrated today by this fan-made clip of "The Sun Doesn't Shine Forever" as the soundtrack to a Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It totally works here, and makes me appreciate the song a little more.

Maybe I should give this album another try...

And thanks to everyone whose taken our poll so far! Please, if you have a second, look over to the left of this post and leave your answer. Thanks!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fashion...turn to the left!

Ok, it's not FASHION on the left, but it IS a poll on the left side of your viewing area (under the little "Glue" pic) that will allow your voice to be heard on such a pressing issue! If you've got a sec, we would love to have your feedback. Thanks!!


I prefer Pepsi meself!

It's a Pepsi ad, what else was I going to say here?!?

Truth be told, I like Dr. Pepper best...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

There's an all night party in room 7609...

La la la...well, you know.

This is not an exciting video, but if you're like me and in the mood to hear this song, you'll appreciate it.

I really can't hear this song without remembering the old "Room 7609" chat room on AOL every Monday night back in the day ('the day' being the mid to late '90's). Anybody else remember that?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Picture it: Italy, 1987.

This clip kind of has it all. Simon over-hamming while lip syncing: check. Nick dressed like a waiter and doing that turkey neck thing he does when he plays: check. Warren with hair taller than Warren: check. John Taylor being prettier than the rest of us: check. Audience dressed like a pack of Skittles for no known reason: check. Me giggling a lot: check. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Conga line = no.

Ok, so this version of "Falling Down" from Jonathan Ross last year is alright, but it doesn't seem like they pick up any energy until "Girls on Film". Not sure how I feel about the random conga line that interrupts. Oh, yeah I do--FAIL. GET OUT OF MY SONG! I'm shooting a star, I can't be disturbed.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wanna add us on MySpace?

We now have a MySpace page as well! Feel free to add us. We'll be doing some fun stuff over there (though nothing will replace the clippage here. It's too fun!).

A double dose today!

Since I didn't update over the weekend (but I did listen to Rio in its entirety for the first time in a long time--man I love that record!), it's two-fer today.

First up, if you speak Spanish, a great awards show clip from '04. If you don't speak Spanish and can't make out what they're saying under the interpreter, just look at Nick's pretty hair.

Second, Duran getting the Midlander of the Year award in Birmingham in 2005. Again with the cute Nick!

Friday, July 11, 2008

It's FRIIIIDAYYY Babies, time to PARTAYYYY!!

WOOOOOHOOOOO! Time to hit the club, yo! Let's have a little band-battling (Duran Duran vs. The Cars? Ric Ocasek, why the long face?), and a LOT of cheese (probably a few beers in there, too). So many bonus points for the sax solo, I have lost count. I've at least been distracted from the shirtless tie-wearing!

We don't have things like this in my city. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Let's share in her joy!

I do not know this girl, but I would love to hang out at her house and listen to what her dad sent her in Part I, while staring at what her dad sent her in Part II. Happy birthday was created for you, indeed (and thanks for sharing it with us!)!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Never enough "Chauffeur" covers...

I'm going to take a break from posting Mark Ronson/Duran clips (I'm sure I'll get back to it soon enough) to share this little gem of a cover of "The Chauffeur" from Sleepthief. Apparently the video footage is from "THX-1138", but still goes remarkably well with this ultra-clean techno candy rendition.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Andy Taylor Durama.

I feel compelled to make some sort of 'statement' since I endorsed Rock Affairs in a prior post. I'm not "un-endorsing" it now (I still have an account there and stuff posted on my page), but there's been a healthy amount of Duran drama surrounding it of late (henceforth referred to as "durama"), and I don't want this blog to have misrepresented anything along the way. Whew!! That was a long sentence. Anyway...

It appears that as of last week Andy is no longer part of the site, and from what I understand now, was only an investor, not the originator. I believed he'd founded it because of a MySpace message I got from his account, so no idea what's up with that. I don't think I'm the only one who was foggy on it, and his MySpace pages are now music-free and unable to take messages, so I don't expect any answers from it soon. It just seems there was some sort of falling out between him and the site developer.

I don't think I've hit this many Duran Duran messageboards since 1999 in search of more information and points of view on it all, but what I've posted here is pretty much all I'm certain of at this point. I'll keep all of you posted if I hear something else. Just wanting to keep you up to date accurately, friends!

Monday, July 7, 2008

No cute title--just more Duran and Mark Ronson, please.

To quote my friend that just sent this to me, "SQUEEEEE!". And just to warn you: it's only sideways for a few seconds.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Roger said "Glue"!!

I don't care if he wasn't referring to the Duran tribute CD, it rocks because, a) Roger is speaking, like, a LOT these days, so everything he says is gold, and b) saying 'fans' and 'glue' (even in past tense) in the same sentence is totally my theme of the week, so Roger and I are obviously living on the same astral plane. Start writing your fan fic now, people!

This also happens to be a pretty good interview anyway.