Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back to our Ordinary World or something.

Guess who did NOT go get her Classic Albums DVD yet. What a poser! Apparently when you're an 'adult' you spend the release day voting and doing your job, and run out of time. What's that all about?

So, while I was reciting the joys of the Pythagorean Thereom for teens and English as a Second Language students, the rest of you were probably learning all about the reverb on the backing vocal track of "Last Chance on the Stairway". Don't spoil it for me!

Oh, and apparently JT was Baracking his vote (or wearing a t-shirt).

For McCain followers, here's something to help you get your groove on and cheer up, thanks to Aurora featuring Naimee Coleman. :::back pat::: It'll be ok.

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