Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Shopping with Nick and Simon?

I've been a bad blogger lately, kids. I've been too full of pie and tofurkey from the holiday here in the U.S. to get to the computer.

But now, my attention turn to holiday shopping. Revel in delight with me from these classics from House of Style, when Nick and Simon went shopping at Sears with Cindy Crawford.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Well, first, so I can get it out of my system...

Well, first, so I can get it out of my system, is "Rio" from the Classic Albums DVD. This isn't my favorite performance ever, but it's from the damned DVD I'm yet to acquire, so I'll still work it.

And because something is obviously up with technology today (at least for me), I bring you..."Electric Barbarella". Maybe even for the first time! This one was from the UPN show The Vibe, which I vaguely recall. No Viva Variety, YouTube? Ah...1997.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

And we rejoin our heroine, still complaining...

Bah! Still don't have the Classic Albums yet, but I'm working through it, with a little old school help:

...and a little new school help (that's JT, Rog, and Dom Brown):

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another find today...

Sort of a Lou Reed-esque "Last Chance on the Stairway", which is a pretty great concept. I see Chekhov's Wig in the description, and believe this to be a band member. Brilliant.

Warhol Art of the Day.

Check out my red hot new Blogger gadget. Just slap my face and call me Veronica Web 2.0! I's sort of annoying being ABOVE the actual Duran video, but I didn't want to stick it at the bottom where you'd have to scroll to see it. So there. I annoy you because I love you.

"We will all be famous for fifteen widgets."--Dana Detrick-Clark

Hot off the presses...'s the "Nightrunner" video!

The library will never be the same.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Here you go, my Pretties.

Thank you, Teknosapian, for being the only bright light in my darkened corner of existence. Ok, maybe not so much. But I am reminded why living in B.F.E. is so completely inconvenient by the fact that I still have NOT gotten my Rio - Classic Albums DVD, because I naively assumed I would simply be able to go out and BUY the damned thing. Nooooooo. No store in my 20 mile radius is stocking it. So order online I will, but I will still be pissy about it.

I will try to dance this pain away.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back to our Ordinary World or something.

Guess who did NOT go get her Classic Albums DVD yet. What a poser! Apparently when you're an 'adult' you spend the release day voting and doing your job, and run out of time. What's that all about?

So, while I was reciting the joys of the Pythagorean Thereom for teens and English as a Second Language students, the rest of you were probably learning all about the reverb on the backing vocal track of "Last Chance on the Stairway". Don't spoil it for me!

Oh, and apparently JT was Baracking his vote (or wearing a t-shirt).

For McCain followers, here's something to help you get your groove on and cheer up, thanks to Aurora featuring Naimee Coleman. :::back pat::: It'll be ok.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You Knew This Was Coming...

Americans, get yourselves to the polls! But don't pull your shirt off and pray while you're there, k?

Monday, November 3, 2008

What's better than karaoke?

...LIPSYNC! Same performance style, no warbling. Good times.

Don't forget to go get your Classic Albums: Rio tomorrow! And VOTE (if you're in the USA)!!