Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Producer week!

Thank you to everyone who succumbed to my subliminal messages voted in our last poll for Duran Duran's next producer. The results were:

Dana Detrick - 85% (w00t!)
Mark Ronson - 28%
Linda Perry, Diddy, an Jonathan from Korn - big fat zeroes

So YAY! Now we just need to convince DURAN of this!! Time to break out my subliminal gear persuasive skills again!

In honor of our poll, this week we're going to spotlight other Duran producers. Today we've got a little Red Carpet Massacre info, which looks like it came from A&E. It doesn't really hit the "producer" info until Part II (but it's not like I wasn't going to include Part I, too!). They discuss Timbaland giving them an enema (or making them more enigmatic, you pick the visual you prefer), and comment on Reportáge, the album that would have been had Andy stayed, produced by Michael Patterson.

Business and marketing geeks (like me) will also love their discourse on being a brand. THIS ONE IS FULL OF WIN! Enjoy!

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