Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A blog after my own heart.

Be sure to add this one to your feeds, too! Any blog that celebrates Duranie goodness with a healthy dose of the funny is a friend of mine!

Monday, January 26, 2009

That's what I get for only watching E!...

The short version is, it's not on.

Well, no Samantha Who? anytime soon, so here's JT aiming to shoot yer eye out.

And now...the holy grail of JT acting moments...

Tonight's the night, kiddos! Set your TiVos for Samantha Who?!

In honor of the last day of JT acting (for awhile, anyway), I bring you the holy grail of JT acting moments! Ah, Timeslip. This is why YouTube is amazing. When I was a kid, we had Showtime. Unfortunately, they only played Timeslip on Cinemax. How could they do that to me?

And now, for a bonus, John on Craig Kilbourn with Kristen Johnston. Such perfect highlights!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yet More JT Rockstar Roles...Really!

When I started this little theme, I thought it would last a few days. Apparently, not even I remembered how many times John has portrayed a rockstar on various shows/in movies/in real life (let's not forget that one). From my recent "research", this could last all month!

Remember Vh1's Strange Frequency? Me neither. At least I didn't until I found this gem. Just to refresh, it was a Twilight Zone for the musical set. I think it lasted an episode or two, one of which featured our boy Johnny, erm, "Jimmy Blitz".

Enjoy some "Room Service"!

Monday, January 19, 2009

And thank you to all of the birthday well-wishers!

A shoutout to everyone over at the Glue Myspace page who dropped our lovely Paul a happy birthday message and/or comment yesterday! You really brightened up his day!

Nothing Ever Changes, JT...

...especially not in the minds of casting directors! Here's JT being so typecast that he's actually playing himself on Miami Vice.

Now I love to tell the story of how, the night this first aired, my little friend Heather was having a slumber party, and the only way I'd agree to go is if we could watch it. She promised, I attended.

Did we watch it? Would I have a story if we did? I actually think I was forced to watch some Ernest thing instead. Cruelty!!

So here I am, 20+ years later, still bemoaning this (even though I can watch it all day on YouTube). I hope she has crow's feet now.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

John Taylor as a Christmas present...urm..I mean

Our look at JT's cinematic life continues today with Vh1's A Diva's Christmas Carol or some such thing from the mid to late 1990's. I thought we'd get to enjoy this classic every year, but instead we get I Love Money. Thanks, reality shows. Thanks.

Anyway, here's a few special clips that feature some sort of Bret Michaels-styled hat/wig combo and John being an otherworldly rock star (typecasting again).

Friday, January 16, 2009

JT...This is your life (on screen)

Seeing yesterday's Samantha Who clip made me all wistful for more of JT's "rocker" acting roles. So play along with me!

First, we have an interview (and a few clips), that are darkly lit, but still tell the tale of JT's motivation for Allison Anders' Sugar Town. 22 forever (according to Michael Des Barres)? You bet ya! Go put the Capezios and Fedora on for me, Tigger Taylor!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy New Year!

I'm back! And just in time for JT to play a rock star on a show again! Ok, so he did it in movies before. And we LOVE it when he plays a rock star, is a rock star, yadda yadda.

This looks promising. Samantha Who? is a cute show, and from these promos, John has managed to make it even cuter.

I think I know Samantha's friends...not pointing any fingers, but...if it hits too close to home, it's probably you. I admit nothing!