Wednesday, December 3, 2008

By the way...

News of note time!

...a few new blogs are up elsewhere by me, if you don't get enough good stuff here:

First up is my new Bangs...Sounds of the 80's blog, which for the remainder of the year will be bringing retro music into the present for the holiday season (i.e. RETRO XMAS CLIPS w00t!!11). Expect some Duran there, no doubt.

I've also resurrected my musical indulgences/snark blog at Sapphires and Diamonds. Good stuff...probably Duran related in the near future.


Holiday sales are abreast (woohoo, my bosom buddies!). Forget "Black Friday", "Cyber Monday" or whatever the rest of the world likes to call them. We're all about "New Moon (and Sales) Everyday (through 12/31 at least!)". Besides getting both volumes of Bangs...Sounds of the 80's for the price of one, now with every order of Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran (which inspired this very blog), you'll get another copy of Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran. Why so redundant, Dana? copy as a gift for a loved one of discerning musical tastes, and one copy to keep for yourself (indulging your ego is encouraged in Duranie circles, remember!). Skip the heavy reading and go right to the sales page for both deals here!

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