Friday, August 31, 2007

Faster than ligh-igh-IGHT!!

Now this clip isn't the highest quality visually, but still has a special place in my heart. I remember this 1981 live version of b-side "Faster than Light" being aired on Nickelodeon's show Nick Rocks! right after I became a "Duranie" (Arena era). I sat at my big console TV with my hand-held tape recorder capturing the whole show, so I could play it back while I rollerskated in my driveway. Good times, good times. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

And now...a little Andy love.

To maintain the Universal Balance of Duran Guitarist Attention, and because it's a cool clip that qualifies on both counts (it's Duran Duran and it's a cover), it's Andy time! Here's some great '87 footage from Tokyo of Andy rocking the Stones' "Beast of Burden". Extra "full circle" connection with yesterday's clip in that I believe I see Terry Bozzio from Warren's old band Missing Persons on drums.

Whenever I see or hear Andy's solo stuff from the 80's, I immediately think, "Why wasn't I more into that?!", because it really is good stuff! But alas, I was a Johnner then. I still think he was ahead of his time (what was it, only a year or two later that Bon Jovi was rocking the pop charts?) and should have been marketed to the rock crowd, not just us Duranies! I mean, check out that front man action! And apparently, it's in the DNA.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A shout out to "Glue" artists...

If you were one of the artists/bands on Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran, and you have not seen my little shout out on the Duran Duran MySpace page, email me with your most recent links, so I can update them in the sidebar over there :::points to the left and down a little::: Thanks!

Is that Ralph Macchio?

No silly, it's just time to give Warren Cuccurullo a little spotlight in the blog. Wedding Album Warren was the bee's knees, keeping the band together through the 'no radio play' years, and giving them their best set of comeback hits yet in "Ordinary World" and "Come Undone". Even Sylvia Browne couldn't have foreseen at this point that he would later become famous for his own line of dildos.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Union of the Snake refers to the union of the snake...yeah Simon, thanks for clearing that up...

My head is full of chopstick over this brilliant interview from Australia, 1983. Any eye rolling you may be tempted to do will soon be replaced by hardcore swooning over how completely adorable they all are.

Monday, August 27, 2007

AFI covers "Rio"

Here's AFI, bringing some Duran cover acoustic pop noise to the Hot Topic crowd.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

At your liberty...

Because no one can lip sync quite like Duran, and I've been partying like it's 1990 lately, I give you this fabulous performance of "Liberty" from somewhere. Backup dancers were apparently optional.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sneaker Pimps FTW

How many times can "The Chauffeur" be covered? If you answered the infinity symbol, you are correct. This one, from Sneaker Pimps, is particularly charming because it manages to recut the original video in a way so perfect, you can't help but forgive the lyric mess up.

Note: here are Perry Lister boobies, so if you're under 18, turn your head!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mad props to TEKNOSAPIEN!

Here's a great one created by TEKNOSAPIEN. Check out his other Duran related creations at the link provided, and lose a few hours of your day.

Bonus points for making the live performance look synced.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Let's Get this Party Started Right!

One of my favorite eras of Durandom--Big Thing. John was so thin, he made Mary-Kate Olsen look like Mo'nique. Nick's beret made him seem harlequin-like, and Simon's hair needs no comment. LOVE THEM!!
