Friday, July 4, 2008

A little 4rth of July Dynamite!

Well I can't embed it, but you can see a fabulous interview with Simon and Mark Ronson at that also contains some live footage of them all. I had a near plotz moment when I looked at the description and thought it said that Anderson Cooper was interviewing them. I'm pretty sure that's more than my pretty boy-loving feelers could take!

It's Independence Day here in the U.S., but I like to call it Indie-pendence Day (mainly because I usually just hang out inside and work on music all day while my dogs and I avoid fireworks). Speaking of indies, there's actually some Glue news I'm *this close* to sharing (just a few more details I need to attend to before making any official statements). So be watching for that. You won't want to miss out!

So, hang out with me for awhile and check out Chekhov's Wig doing "Box Full O' Honey". Still my least. favorite. title. ever.

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