Hi! Dana Detrick-Clark here. Long before I produced the CD Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran (the only tribute CD, I might add, made BY fans, FOR fans), I was just another suburban '80's preteen, sitting in front of the TV, waiting for any random clip of Duran Duran to appear on MTV or Entertainment Tonight (sound familiar?). Now, through the magic of YouTube, we can relive together those moments of finding a rare or bizarre Duran moment (or just another clip of Nick Rhodes saying "contrived"). Watch, subscribe, enjoy, and comment!
Those of you following along over at DuranDuran.com already know that Mark Ronson continues direct the boys into some sort of disco/indie/retro/new/super-cute-in-ties-and-stuff territory for the new album. But did you also know that he can rock a Bond medley?
And here's that new studio footage, in case you're *not* following along:
Speaking of NEW things, did you know there's a new Facebook Page for Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran? Join up, comment, be the first to hear old things...y'know the drill!
Simon needs to give those plaid shirts a rest :P
INDEED! It's like he's channeling his inner farmer in the most unflattering of ways. No wonder there's no lyrics...that shirt kills all inspiration.
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