Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Nothing bums me out more (ok, a few things do, but they're pretty bad) than realizing that some of the lovely YouTube experiences I've posted here over the months are no longer available on YouTube. Thus, when you visit the older posts, you can't really see what I'm snarking at. As much as I like to snark, I have to admit that it's an anticlimactic experience to not get the video that accompanies it. Dear readers, for this reason, I will do my best to try to relocate in the coming weeks some of the old footage I've already posted, as well as keep the fresh content coming.

Here's a little nugget to tied you over for now, a live version of "Box Full o' Honey", one of my favorite Red Carpet Massacre tracks, but arguably one of the worst LeBon titles on record.

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