Tuesday, December 4, 2007

All I want for Christmas is a mullet and Paul Young to lip sync with me.

Here's a great holiday lip sync clip of the boys (with crooner Paul Young). The winter weather couldn't be frostier than their bangs, and Hickory Farms couldn't be cheesier than this performance. LOVE IT!!


chosha said...

That takes me back! Ah, 80s fashion...

Duran Duran are playing at an event coming up in Australia soon, some sort of festival. You've reminded me to go find the details. I saw them play support for Robbie Williams a few years ago in Sydney. Actually I'd been living overseas for a few years and I was struggling to remember who Robbie Williams was, as I really only knew one of his hits at the time. But when my friend told me Duran Duran was supporting I agreed to go, haha. Great concert all round it turned out to be, too.

Dana Detrick-Clark from Serious Vanity Music said...

Chosha, that's so funny, I was just listening to Robbie Williams earlier!

I have friends who've been to the Duran shows here recently in the U.S. who said it was some of their best performances ever, so I envy you! If you end up going to the show and would like to post a review, I would definitely publish it here!

Thanks so much for checking the blog out, and I will continue to wax poetic along with you about the wonders of '80's fashion. :)