Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just a little note from your resident citizen journalist...

Dear readers and fellow bunnychuckers,

I wanted to bring to your awareness a new feature of the blog. If you turn your attention toward the left of your viewing area and down a little (no, a little further), to just below the "Other Great Links" area (which has also been updated), you'll see two easy ways to subscribe to this blog.

One is by the normal old standard way, which subscribes you in the feed reader of your choice.

The other, powered by Feedblitz, gives you a few more options, including having updates delivered to you by email.

These are just my way of saying, "Hey, geek out with me in a way that doesn't disrupt your day, and makes your viewing even easier." Because I care.

Hugs, kisses, and cigarette butts,


P.S. I shouldn't tell you this yet, but I want to let you in on a secret since we're now BFFs (or is it BFsF?). Glue: A Tribute to the Music of Duran Duran might just be available in download form soon from CD Baby. If you'd like a physical copy in time for the holidays (they make great fishnet stocking stuffers), there are still some available there as well that you can get anytime!

P.P.S. You can get a flash player for your site, blog, or MySpace page by going here! It features "Night Runner", "Skin Divers", and both the single version and video for "Falling Down".

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