Thursday, August 30, 2007

And now...a little Andy love.

To maintain the Universal Balance of Duran Guitarist Attention, and because it's a cool clip that qualifies on both counts (it's Duran Duran and it's a cover), it's Andy time! Here's some great '87 footage from Tokyo of Andy rocking the Stones' "Beast of Burden". Extra "full circle" connection with yesterday's clip in that I believe I see Terry Bozzio from Warren's old band Missing Persons on drums.

Whenever I see or hear Andy's solo stuff from the 80's, I immediately think, "Why wasn't I more into that?!", because it really is good stuff! But alas, I was a Johnner then. I still think he was ahead of his time (what was it, only a year or two later that Bon Jovi was rocking the pop charts?) and should have been marketed to the rock crowd, not just us Duranies! I mean, check out that front man action! And apparently, it's in the DNA.

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