Thursday, January 10, 2008

Baby Duran!

Awwww, I love this one! Here's some students from Heritage Regional High School's lip sync rendition of "Hungry Like the Wolf".

Unfortunately, this also reminds me of my friends and I auditioning in 5th grade for our grade school talent show, lip syncing "The Reflex". Notice I said auditioning, not performing, because WE DIDN'T MAKE IT. How heartless do you have to be to not let 5th graders lip sync, even if it's bad?

It should be noted that a group got in that lip synced Alabama's "Roll On". I would still be pissy over it, but one member of that group of 4th graders is now my brother-in-law.

But seriously...Alabama? And not Duran Duran? In 1985?? Clearly our school system needed help.

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